Mini kids Temporary Stiker Tato Waterproof Children Tattoo More Than 5000 Different Tattoo Designs in Stock for Sale

Mini kids Temporary Stiker Tato Waterproof Children Tattoo More Than 5000 Different Tattoo Designs in Stock for Sale

Tato sementara berkualitas tinggi yang dapat dipakai setiap hari atau di setiap acara yang harus Anda perhatikan. Anda dapat mengganti tato Anda setiap 3-5 hari jika Anda mau. Tarik teman dan kerabat Anda dengan cara yang sangat artistik! SANGAT KEREN! :)

• It looks like real tattoos.
• Water-transfer tattoos.
• Washable / Replaceable.
• Last 15 days on arm back/neck/face.
• Skin-friendly. Safe.
• Easy application.
• More designs to choose from.
• Size :5.5x6cm
• Package:20pcs into an opp bag
• Designs:20 designs

Produsen Tato Sementara Kosmetik

YongHe mengkhususkan diri dalam mencetak tato khusus untuk anak-anak dan saat ini merupakan produsen tato sementara yang sesuai dengan kosmetik terbesar di Cina.

As temporary tattoo manufacturer, we comply with the European Regulation (EC) 1223/2009 for cosmetic Produk and the 2009/48 regulation for toys. Also we have MSDS and CE report. 

Because our tattoos have been evaluated and approved for dermatological use, we can provide the necessary assistance to register a specific design in the CPNP portal, an essential requirement to distribute cosmetic Produk in the EU.

Efek Khusus

Di YongHe kami bekerja dengan teknologi yang diperlukan untuk mencapai beberapa efek khusus pada tato palsu kami:
• Full-Color: the four-color tattoos achieve absolute fidelity to the original design. They can be printed using white for a brighter effect or without white for a more realistic effect.
• Black and White: the most used way to imitate traditional tattoos, such as tribal tattoos.
• Glitter: to create fancy shiny designs.
• Luminescent: temporary tattoos that glow in the dark.
• Metallic: for tattoos with gold and silver effect.
• Single packing: in sustainable materials. Find more information about our overwrapping solutions.

Di mana tato sementara kita dibuat?

Seluruh pembuatan tato sementara dilakukan di pabrik kami di Cina, yang memungkinkan kami untuk memiliki kendali penuh atas bahan baku, proses produksi, ketertelusuran, dan pengepakan.

Mini kids Temporary Tattoo  | Waterproof Children Tattoo | YH Craft